Justice Guru is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for anyone who has been harmed by harmful prescription drugs, defective medical devices and dangerous household products.
If you care about justice and believe in the power of average citizens to enact social change, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about Justice Guru, and how you can help us advocate for change.

Who We Are
We know that most people are overwhelmed at the thought of taking on the major corporations who make these products.
Our goal is to level the playing field. It is too easy for massive companies to use their profits to bury evidence of their wrongdoing. We do this in three ways:
- Awareness: We work to educate the public about dangerous and defective products so that we can reduce or eliminate injuries, illnesses and deaths.
- Advocacy: We connect victims who have been harmed by unsafe products to specialists in their area. This service is available at no cost, so that victims can focus on their recovery — and on getting justice.
- Impact: We influence lawmakers and corporations to change their practices and policies so that our health and safety are a priority — instead of corporate profits.
What We Do
We are advocates for all those who are often voiceless in our society.
We know that we cannot do this alone. That is why we are recruiting Gurus for our #GuruNation. We pay fellow advocates, known as Gurus, to help us spread awareness about unsafe products and to assist victims in getting help. Our team of Gurus use a variety of tools to bring attention to these critical messages: social media, word of mouth, and petitions.
Petitions serve several purposes. Not only do they spread awareness and allow individuals to get involved in the cause, but they also send a message to those doing harm: big corporations. They let manufacturers know that there are thousands — or millions! — of people who are active and involved in this issue, and who are committed to fighting for the safety of all Americans.

How You Can
Get Involved
As a general rule, people who do good deeds are not rewarded. At Justice Guru, we believe that those who do good should get paid…for doing good. Each Guru in our #GuruNation gets paid for spreading awareness and helping others.
The way it works is simple. Gurus are paid for two activities: getting petitions signed and identifying and referring potential victims.
It costs nothing to join #GuruNation, and it takes just a few minutes to sign up as a Guru to start earning money. Each Guru is provided with digital marketing tools to help him or her gather more signatures for petitions and to identify potential victims for referrals. It’s that easy!
And the best part? You’ll be making a difference as you earn great money.